After originally serving on the Gifford Youth Achievement Center’s (GYAC) Operating Board of Directors in 1998, Dr. Deborah A. Taylor-Long returned to the organization, which she grew to admire, in 2015. As a life-long educator, her passion for motivating students to excel beyond limits has led to tremendous impact in the community.
To learn more about her, read the brief Q&A below:
Q: When did you join the board?
A: “I was on the original Board in 1998 and returned in 2015.”
Q: What/who first brought you to GYAC?
A: “The original founders of the Center: Dr. Hudson, Dr. Nigh, and Mr. Richardson.”
Q: What are you most passionate about?
A: “Providing opportunities for students to excel and be all they can be in a safe, productive environment.”
Q: What do you love most about GYAC?
A: “The people and the programs.”
Q: How have your life experiences prepared you to serve on GYAC’s Board?
A: “I am a life-long educator and a constant champion of children.”
Q: What are your hopes for GYAC’s future?
A: “To be a beacon of light that guides youth to obtaining dreams they never knew existed for them.”
Q: How do you like to spend your free time?
A: “Helping others through community action, church, sorority, and other non-profit organizations.”
Q: What’s your favorite decade and why?
A: “The 80’s. I had to make life decisions that have developed me into the individual I am today.”
Similar to when the organization first opened its doors, Dr. Taylor-Long continues to be inspired by the GYAC and its commitment to the community. Her passion for helping youth radiates through her work with the Center. With her support, the GYAC can further its mission and continue “Changing Lives, Changing Futures.”
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