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After joining the Gifford Youth Achievement Center (GYAC) in 2016, Mrs. Horskin continues to be inspired by the organization. What was once curiosity has transformed into a deep appreciation and love for GYAC.

Learn more about Mrs. Horskin by reading the brief Q&A below:


Q: When did you start working at GYAC?

A: “I started working at GYAC in September of 2016.” Mrs. Horskin discovered GYAC after hearing about “all of the awesome things” that the organization does while working as a substitute teacher at Dodgertown Elementary School. After learning more about GYAC, she was inspired to apply for a teaching position.


Q: What grade level do you teach and why?

A: “I teach third grade.” Mrs. Horskin had several long-term, substitute teaching positions for third grade prior to accepting one with GYAC. She feels comfortable with teaching this age group. “I know a lot of the material.”


Q: What’s one thing you want people to know about you?

A: “If I don’t know the answer to the question, I will find it. No matter what it takes. I am very determined.”


Q: What are you most proud of?

A: “Being able to get a job” at GYAC. Her children will be attending GYAC soon, so she is proud to be a part of an organization that offers various opportunities, such as learning how to swim, reading assistance, and help with homework. She “can’t wait” for them to join.


Q: What advice would you give your younger self?

A: “Enjoy every moment of being in school because it goes by so fast.”


GYAC is proud to have Mrs. Horskin as a part of the family. With the help of all of our amazing teachers, we can continue “Changing Lives, Changing Futures.”

To keep up with the latest updates about our programs, be sure to follow us on social media.

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